Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Dog is my enemy

He is gross and I abhor him. Today I came home to find the upstairs trash (which has a lid and isn't supposed to have diapers in it at all) spread all over the landing with nice big chunks of poop everywhere and chewed up wet diapers. As if that wasn't enough to deal with, I found he had gone into Jack's playroom, lifted a leg, and PEED on Jack's ball tower. There is PEE on Jack's TOYS and on his CARPET.

Is it unreasonable that I want nothing more than for Jake to GO AWAY FOREVER??!!


j.temple said...

Oh my.... Jake TOTALLY needs a new home! Maybe that could be a wedding gift, someone willing to take him...

Becca said...

Three words: Grass. Fence. Doghouse.

Sarah and the City said...

Poop! Literally. I'm sorry, thats kindof like finding out at 12am that my cat pooped in our bed as I pulled the sheets towards me to go to bed... why do we live with wild animals? I hope Garrett cleaned it up!