Monday, May 4, 2009

our landlords/family just gave us a new computer which is rad, but i'm a born and raised PC girl and now i'm trying to function on a MAC and i keep going HUH?! what do i do?


Lorri Cooper said...

Boy I can was a hard change for me to go to Macs at work. Once you get the hang of it, its easy. I'm excited, because now you will blog more and post more pictures!!!

j.temple said...

Yay you should blog about anything and everything right away to catch up :) If you learn any cool tricks on the mac let me know, how do you copy and paste stuff? I can't right click and save pictures like the oh well.

Becca said...

Jaz ... holding down the control key while clicking is just like right clicking on a mac. I worked with a guy at GFU that missed that function so much that he bought a five-button mouse and programed the right button to be "control-click" exactly like on a PC. But it didn't take me very long to get used to it.