Thursday, April 1, 2010


I've decided to start the spring out on a fresh note, and start documenting the hilarious and crazy things that happen in our family, as well as keep track of all my pregnancy woes so that everyone else can enjoy them as well. Which, I know, you'll thank me for.

The above photo is just one moment captured that happens all-too-often: Jack bringing me live bugs. This is a particularly gross one, a giant June Bug with long waving legs and creepy antennas, and he was holding it just so that all its limbs could flail appropriately and his little bug face was looking right at me saying, "KILL ME!" Which I promptly praised Jack for his bravery and immediately guided him to the toilet where we set the bug free down the sewer system. The other day it was a fly, also alive. I don't know where he gets these bug-catching skills where he grabs them alive just as if they were little kittens and he's holding them by the scruff of their necks.

On another note, my tailbone is so bruised and sore that every time I shift in my chair it sends my body into a spasm of pain which is so not cool. I carry pillows and blankets around with me to sit on.

1 comment:

The Guy and The Girl said...

YES! an update. Congratulations on #2. When is your due date and where is the picture of your cute tum?