Monday, April 5, 2010

Rainy Day Things.

Jack has been sick the past two days and when you ask him how he feels he says "I feel much." Its so funny, every time.

We have him sleeping in our bed right now, because he will wake up coughing and crying, so he sleeps propped up on a boppy pillow, with his blankie wrapped around his head and shoulders like a little old lady and vicks vapor rub on his chest and feet. Its sadly adorable. I woke up at 3:30 this morning for work and all the sudden I hear Jack announce, "DADDY PARTED!!" (farted) it was hilarious, the kind of thing you don't normally experience at such an ungodly hour of the morning.

And speaking of going to work, I count the days until I'm done with Starbucks FOREVER! Which is hopefully June. The beginning of June. It just can't come fast enough. Every day that I work is like torture. Did you know that in the Starbucks Frappuccino Cremes (those are the blended drinks that don't have any coffee in them- like Strawberries and Creme) there are actually ingredients that your body CANNOT DIGEST and therefore just hang out inside of you for all of eternity, maybe some of them escaping without digestion. How horrific is that? I find myself amazed and appalled when I see restaurants advertising that they serve REAL food. Like it's a novelty. Starbucks jumped on that bandwagon last summer and started advertising that they serve Real Food. Simply Delicious. Like, what the hell have you been serving before? Products our bodies can't digest??

Someone came in today and bought a drink, one drink, that cost them $5.55. We calculate the regulars that come in daily and average out their annual spending at our store. One couple spends on average, $2100.00 a year buying Starbucks coffee. That's a down payment on a house.. or car.. or college..

It makes me wonder how much money I throw away a year, on things that do not last.

On another note, I'm very pleased with my climbing hydrangeas, they seem to be coming back nicely this spring and I'm hoping they'll reach a fuller growth than last year. They seemed so sickly for so long. And I planted lots of rununculus and some strawberries and I feel very happy to look at them everyday. They smile through the rain. So sweet.

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